New Site

September 6, 2008

Well, I think I’m going to quit writing on this site. Please go to this site from now on.


August 23, 2008

My wife recently ‘tagged’ me through her blog and apparently I have to name 6 quirky things about myself. Here they are:

1. If I go a full day without a carbonated, non-caffeinated drink, I start to get the shakes.

2. I used to be able to tell you how many letters were in any word (correctly) within 3 seconds. Not sure if I can still do that but I used to be 100% accurate.

3. The first thing I do when I come into the house is wash my hands…even before I pick up my son or kiss my wife.

4. I read a lot of books and when I read ones that end up in my personal library, I will not bend, dog-ear or ‘mess up’ any page. In fact, I don’t even use highlighters or tag-its. I use black or blue pen to underline key thoughts and sentences. These lines have to be very neat and straight. Therefore, when my wife gets ahold of one, she does the complete opposite, which unravels me every time.

5. I have to have a shower first thing in the morning. The only time I don’t is if I’m working out in the yard first thing in the morning and know I will sweat. If I don’t get a shower first thing then I’m grumpy and discombobulated.

6. My wife says I get in and out of the car faster than anyone she’s ever met…not sure if this is a quirk but she says it is.

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)

I stepped out into my backyard this morning before I left for work. While I was out there I was looking at the ground and the grass, praying that the massive amount of rain that we had the day before would magically make the grass greener. As I looked around I noticed a little black and green sliver of a thing resting in between the end of the patio (also known as the crack) and the grass. I thought to myself, “Well I’ll be…there goes a snake.” Considering this snake was about 5-7 feet long and was about four feet from my back door I decided that the best course of action was to remove it from the premises. So, I picked it up and put it in my pocket….just kidding….I treated it not so nicely and now he/she is gone…enough said. The thought of my 2-year old son or my 6 lb. dog playing with the snake, whose tongue was flittering away, did not go over too well in my mind.

All I could think about while I was “dealing” with the snake was God’s curse that he pronounced upon it after Adam and Eve sinned:

“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and yours.”

There is something about the relationship between mankind and the snake that guarantees hostility. Now, I know that there are many snake lovers out there. One of my favorite seminary professors, who may even read this post, loves snakes. However, snakes just creep me out and I think I have biblical precedent for admitting that.

The broader meaning of the curse is found here:

“…he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” All mankind is the offspring of the woman, however, the ultimate offspring of the woman is Jesus. In the battle with Satan (who took the form of the snake), the snake will strike his heel (through His death on the cross) but Jesus will ultimately crush his head as he will completely destroy Satan and his demons at the end of time, before the inauguration of eternity.

This verse repeatedly ran through my head as I ‘dealt’ with the snake this morning. “He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Because of sin, the snake and I are enemies. However, in the eternal state of Heaven all will be restored because of the ultimate crushing of the snake that Jesus performed by his death, burial, resurrection and future destruction of evil.

Someday in the perfect eternal state of Heaven (which will be very much like earth, except with no sin) I will be able to walk out in my yard and lay down in the grass and the snake and I will have no enmity between us because the curse, death, and sin has been destroyed. Sorry for this morning, snake. One day we’ll share a glass of holy water together as we watch the lion graze with the lamb…just not now.

*UPDATE: I found the snake’s home. He lives in the side area of my backyard between the pinestraw and the brick. I carefully looked around and found myself staring at him eye-to-eye. His head bobbed around and then it ducked back into his ‘habitat.’ Efforts to remove the snake apparently failed. I found out that the snake is a Garter Snake – a snake that is supposedly not harmful to mankind. Maybe it can co-exist in my yard after all…especially if it eats those wolf spiders.

Here is our opening video from the first week of the Studio 10:10 Olympics. The first shot is my torch run to the children’s center to start the ceremonies. The second shot is Laura speaking about how excited she is to be singing the national anthem during the games. The third shot is Kirk’s lead-in for the start of the Olympic games. The final shot is our first event, synchronized swimming featuring Anchor Tia, the Producer, Science Guy Gordo and Kirk.


August 5, 2008

I think I may have shared this video on a previous blog, and may have shared it already on here…I can’t remember. However, take a look at this. It is a great reminder of how God rescues us from our sin and bad decisions that we make and will always be there to save us if we call on His name. I usually am not a big fan of drama…but this is especially good.

Satan on the Church

August 4, 2008

Courtesy of

Video of the Day

July 31, 2008

The following post is Part One in a series called, My Way or the Highway. This series has a certain purpose which is described here. Today we will be looking at the subject of Natural Birth.

One of the most fiercely debated issues in Christian circles today is the choice to either have a natural birth (which comes in many different forms as well as processes) as opposed to using pain-relieving drugs during the labor process. The choice seems to center around the question that asks, “Is it morally permissible, and/or biblical, to use pain-relieving drugs during childbirth?”

Natural birth is a philosophy that women are naturally able to give birth to their child without any form of external intervention. Up until the 20th century most births in the history of the world were done at the mother’s home with nurses and midwifes, as well as family members, pitching in to help in the labor and delivery process.

By the 1940s, many women had moved their labor and delivery to the a local hospital where they would receive professional care. As technology improved so did pain medication.

Recently, there is a movement among Christians for their babies to born the “natural way.” The argument states that natural birth is the way that God has chosen to bring people into the world, so this is the proper and biblical way for all Christian women to deliver their children.

This view is faulty because the argument that natural birth is the way that God intended is not exactly correct.

In Genesis 3, God pronounced a curse upon Adam and the woman for their sin, as well as the Serpent who deceived them into sinning. God curses Adam and tells him that from now he when he works the ground he will sweat. He curses the serpent and says that from now on the serpent will slide along his belly on the ground and eat dust. He also curses the woman and says:

“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16 ESV)

Therefore, God told the woman that she will now have labor pains and that she will seek to control her husband but will fail in doing so.

This curse brings to light that before sin was in the world, there was no pain.
Everything was still perfect so there were no labor pains for woman. God’s design, then, was that when a woman would give birth to a child the process would be literally painless. However, the woman’s sin brought a curse that would forever change the child-birthing process.

Therefore, it is not morally obligatory for Christian women to have natural births. In fact, as long as pain medication such as drugs and epidurals are safe I would suggest that women seek to ease the curse of childbearing if they so choose.

The fact that “natural childbirth” as we know it is the way to give birth that God intended is just not true. Yes, he did intend labor and delivery to be done without the help of drugs or mediation, but he also intended it to be painless. Childbirth is not painless anymore and, as in all suffering of life, if a Christian woman can ease the pain and suffering in a safe and ethical way then she should be free to do so.

Part 2 in this series will look at the subject of breastfeeding.

The following article can be found on Lifeway’s website:

Here’s a great premarital question: “Can the two of us together do more for the Lord than we could separately?” Great food for thought, huh?

Working together helps build a team mentality. Whether it’s struggling over a major decision, serving others, or simply laughing together, sharing life creates a team mentality that makes the marriage bond stronger. The key word is together.

Here are four great ways to build a team mentality.

Pray Together
An incredibly powerful connection can develop from a shared prayer time. Prayer is an intimate experience for any individual. When you share something that personal with your mate, you’re taking him or her into a private part of your life. Vulnerability is there, so trust also must be there. Intimacy grows in this environment.

Prayer is a prerequisite for any effective service you will do as a couple. Talking to God together will provide the healthy foundation from which you can serve. By consulting God as a team, you receive His direction. “For I know the plans I have for you …” (Jer. 29:11).

Minister Together

Find a missions project you can work on as a couple. What ministry interests do you share? Opportunities range from taking a meal next door to a grieving neighbor to teaching VBS in Brazil while on a church missions trip. You both may want to serve in your church preschool department or teach a couples’ Sunday school class. Pray and brainstorm together. The search for a team ministry can be exciting. Be patient but pursue the discovery of that ministry passion. “Keep searching, and you will find” (Matt. 7:7). Can ministry be done without a mate? Absolutely. God may have given you a passion your mate doesn’t completely share. There are ways to serve both individually and as a couple.

There is amazing power, however, in doing things together. Working with your mate on a ministry project allows you to see him or her in a unique setting. You’ll learn more about each other, and that’s always helpful in any relationship.

Parent Together

Raising your children is a joint venture (and hopefully, a joint “adventure!”). The children need to see the two of you as a parenting team. This not only bonds you as parents, it also will serve as a confidence-building experience for your kids.

Regarding discipline, differences between spouses are quite common. Discuss these, pray about them, seek counseling if necessary, then present a united front to your kids. Fair but decisive joint parenting builds the marriage team and creates security for your children.

Give Together

Sharing with others as God has blessed you demonstrates a mature, obedient lifestyle. Giving your tithe to the Lord through the local church is a great place to start. Decide and budget together how much you’ll give to the Lord.

I discovered early in our marriage that Selma had a much more giving spirit than I did. She had this attitude of blessing people by sharing what we had. Our marriage has richly benefited as I’ve become more like Selma in this area. What do you have that others need? Clothes? Time? Encouragement? Have you experienced something as a couple that you know someone else is currently going through? Your voice to them could be amazingly helpful.

Togetherness has biblical blessing. “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts” (Ecc. 4:9). Simple words but a profound message. Look for ways you and your mate can be salt and light in this world, and watch the team effort bless your marriage.


July 26, 2008

Found out last week that we are having a girl! Abigail Easterlin Wallace will be her name. Click here for more information.